GraphBox Professional

Samples of Graph Types

Most of the types are followed by codes indicating the data formats supported and the curve fits available.

Data formats:


Note that type D may have a date rather than the label. Graphs which only accept type D data will assume the label to be blank if it is not present.

Curve fitting codes:

N:No fit. (Omitted when other fits possible.)
B:Join with Bezier curve (Cosmetic).
L:Straight line fit.
Q:Quadratic (second order) fit.
C:Cubic (third order) fit.

The sample pictures shown below are reduced JPEGs from copies of A4 landscape Draw files.

Scatter Chart

Scatter Chart

These charts are useful for showing statistical sample data. Each data set is given a different coloured and shaped point for clarity.

Formats: AD        Curves: BLQC

Scatter Error

Scatter with error bars

These are similar to scatter charts but allow error rates to be shown. Extra data pairs give the error rates as values (not percentages).

Formats: C        Curves: BLQC

Line Graph

Line Graph

Similar to a scatter chart but with the points joined, this is the most popular scientific graph.

Formats: AD        Curves: BLQC

Line Errors

Line Graph with error bars

This is similar to a Scatter chart with error bars but has the points joined by straight lines.

Formats: C        Curves: BLQC

Vector Diag.

Vector Diagram

These treat X data as angles (in degrees) and Y data as lengths, but plot the results on a rectangular co- ordinate system with an arrow at the end of each one. Measure will show both rectangular and polar readings. These charts are useful for vector arithmetic (see also Argand Diagram).

Formats: A        Curves: N

Argand Diag.

Argand Diagram

These plot X,Y data but plotting each point relative to the previous one, with an arrow at the end of each line. They are normally used, with the Y axis representing factors of the square root of -1, as an aid to complex arithmetic. They may also be used for vector arithmetic where the X,Y components of the vectors are the known values.

Formats: A        Curves: N

3D Area

3D Area Chart

This is an attractive way of presenting simple figures. Note that it is not possible to take accurate measurements from a 3D chart.

Formats: AD        Curves: N

Ribbon Chart

Ribbon Chart

This is similar to the 3D area but without the fills under the lines.

Formats: AD        Curves: N

Iso. 3D Area

Isometrlc 3D Area Chart

These are the same as 3D area charts but with an isometric projection. Some data will be easier to see in this format.

Formats: AD        Curves: N

Iso. Ribbon

Isometric Ribbon Chart

Similar to an Isometric 3D Area chart but with the areas under the lines not filled.

Formats: AD        Curves: N



Polynomial charts allow curves to be plotted for polynomials up to the fifth order, where the coefficients are known. The data format is unique to this graph type as each line of the data table contains the coefficients of the terms of a polynomial, in ascending order of power, separated by commas. There are no statistics for this graph.



Expression graphs also have a unique data format. Each line of the data table contains an expression preceded by an = symbol to identify it. The expressions are of the form f(x) and are used to plot the curves on the graph. No statistics are available.


Bubble Chart

Similar to scatter charts, these display an extra dimension by allowing the marker size to be controlled.

Formats: B        Curves: BLQC

Kite Diag. 

Kite Diagram

Generally used by biologists, these give a good view of sampled data along a position or time axis. Turning the key off gives labels on the right hand Y axis.

Formats: AD        Curves: N

Polar Scatter

Polar Scatter Chart

This is similar to a scatter chart but used for angular data. X data are treated as angles (in degrees) and Y data as radii.

Formats: A        Curves: B

Polar Line

Polar Line Graph

Similar to Polar Scatter but with consecutive data points joined by lines.

Formats: A        Curves: B


Triangle Chart

Also known as Ternary diagrams these are used to represent the distribution of a third component between two liquid phases that are immiscible in certain concentrations. Each apex of the triangle represents 100% for a component, and compositions at any point on the chart can be measured. Data should be supplied as percentages or fractions with the points in order along the envelope. Q and C type fits may be tried but are not often useful.

Formats: B        Curves: BLQC

Stacked Area

Stacked Area Chart

Each data set becomes an area stacked on the previous one to show an accumulated total for each point on the X axis.

Formats: D        Curves: N

Cumulative Stacked Area

Cumulative Stacked Area Chart

Similar to a stacked area chart but consecutive Y values are summed to provide a running total.

Formats: D        Curves: N



Used to represent frequency distributions for statistical analysis. The data are provided as co-ordinates for the top left corner of each ‘bar’ plus an extra X value for the top right corner of the right-most ‘bar’.

Formats: A        Curves: LQC

Bar Chart

Bar Chart

A popular presentation chart which also gives accurate representations of data. Formats: D        Curves: LQC

Spread Bar Chart

Spread Bar Chart

This is similar to a bar chart but the columns in each group are placed side- by-side rather than overlapping.

Formats: D        Curves: LQC

3D Bar Chart

3D Bar Chart

Also similar to a bar chart but uses an orthographic projection. This improves presentation but makes it difficult to take accurate readings.

Formats: D        Curves: N

Column Chart

Column Chart

This is similar to a 3D bar chart but with cylindrical columns for a different presentation.

Formats: D        Curves: N

Stacked Bar Chart

Stacked Bar Chart

In this bar chart, the data sets are placed above each other to give a representation of total values.

Formats: D        Curves: N

3D Stacked Bar Chart

3D Stacked Bar Chart

This is an orthographic projection of a stacked bar chart.

Formats: D        Curves: N

Stacked Column

Stacked Column Chart

Similar to a 3D stacked bar chart but with cylindrical columns.

Formats: D        Curves: N

Percentage Bar Chart

Percentage Bar Chart

These bar charts are similar to stacked bars with each bar scaled to fit the Y Axis which is marked from 0 to l00%. This shows the percentage makeup of the sections of each bar, in a similar way to a pie chart.

Formats: D        Curves: N

3D Percentage Bar

3D Percentage Bar Chart

An orthographic projection of a percentage bar chart. Since it will only ever be one row deep, accurate readings can be taken off the ‘front’ face.

Formats: D        Curves: N

Percentage Column

Percentage Column Chart

A 3D percentage bar chart with cylindrical columns.

Formats: D        Curves: N

Picture Chart

Picture Chart

Similar to a Spread Bar Chart but using a Draw file to illustrate the bars.

Formats: D        Curves: LQC

Horizontal Bar

Horizontal Bar Chart

These are the same as bar charts but with horizontal ‘columns’.

Formats: D        Curves: N

Horizontal Spread

Horizontal Spread Bar Chart

The same as a spread bar chart but in a horizontal format.

Formats: D        Curves: N

Horizontal 3D Bar

Horizontal 3D Bar Chart

The same as a 3D bar chart but in a horizontal format.

Formats: D        Curves: N

Horizontal Stacked

Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart

The same as a stacked bar chart but in a horizontal format.

Formats: D        Curves: N

Horiz. 3D Stacked.

Horizontal 3D Stacked Bar Chart

The same as a 3D stacked bar chart but in a horizontal format.

Formats: D        Curves: N

Horiz. Percentage

Horizontal Percentage Bar Chart

The same as a percentage bar chart but in a horizontal format.

Formats: D        Curves: N

Horiz. 3D Precentage

Horizontal 3D Percentage Bar Chart

The same as a 3D percentage bar chart but in a horizontal format.

Formats: D        Curves: N

Horizontal Picture

Horizontal Picture Chart

This is the same as a Picture Chart but in a horizontal format.

Formats: D        Curves: N

Pie Chart

Pie Chart

Pie charts show data as sectors of a circle, giving proportional rather than absolute values. Negative data cannot be represented so any negative values will be shown in exploded sectors (see illustration). Note that only one dataset may be represented and no statistics are available.

Formats: D        Curves: N

3D Pie Chart

3D Pie Chart

Similar to a pie chart but in a 3D projection.

Formats: D        Curves: N


Surface Chart

For these charts data sets are placed in consecutive positions on the Z axis with each data item in consecutive positions on the X axis (like a 3D bar chart). The Y values are all super-imposed on this grid to draw a shaded 3D surface in an orthographic projection. A special format is used in the input file as the data table contains only Y data. The available statistics are very limited.

Isometric Surface

Isometric Surface Chart

This is the same as a surface chart but in an isometric projection.

