ProOSM+ Colour Usage

This page emulates that at: 

and shows how ProOSM+ uses colours and line styles within the limitations of ProCAD+.

Only areas and linear objects are listed here. Symbols follow those show in the above Map_features document.

NB: The rendering examples are bitmaps (JPEGs) and are of a lesser quality compared to the actual ProCAD+ vector version that ProOSM+ produces.

aerialway Cable car types.-
aerialway Drag types.-
aerowayapron -
aerowayrunway -
aerowaytaxiway -
aerowayterminal -
amenitycollegeAlso school, university, kindergarten etc.-
amenitygrave_yard(See also cemetery)-
amenityparking -
amenityplace_of_worship(Religion denoted by symbol.)-
barriercity_wall -
barrierfence -
barrierhedge -
barrierwall(Also retaining wall.)-
boundaryadministrative -
boundarynational_park -
boundarypolitical -
building  -
highwaymotorway -
highwaytrunk -
highwayprimary -
highwaysecondary -
highwaytertiary -
highwayunclassified(Also residential, etc.)-
highwayservice -
highwaypedestrian -
highwaypath -
highwayraceway -
highwayfootway -
highwaybridleway -
highwaysteps -
highwaytrack -
highwaycycleway -
highwayproposed -
highwayconstruction -
highwayturning_circle -
highwaypermissive -
landuseallotments -
landusebasin -
landusebrownfield -
landusecemetery(See also grave_yard.)-
landusecommercial -
landuseconstruction -
landusefarm(Also farmland and farmyard.)-
landuseforest -
landusegrass -
landuseindustrial -
landuselandfill -
landusemeadow(Also pasture.)-
landusemilitary -
landuseorchard -
landuseplant_nursery -
landusequarry -
landuserailway(Area around track etc.)-
landuserecreation_ground -
landusereservoir -
landusevillage_green -
landusevineyard -
leisurecommon -
leisuregarden -
leisuregolf_course -
leisuremarina -
leisurenature_reserve -
leisurepark -
leisurepitch -
leisureplayground -
leisuresports_centre(If not building.)-
leisurestadium(If not building.)-
leisuretrack -
man_madeembankment -
man_madegroyne -
man_madepier -
man_madecable(Solid line if above ground/water)-
man_madepipeline(Solid line if above ground/water)-
military (Buildings.)-
naturalglacier -
naturalgrassland -
naturalheath -
naturalmud -
naturalsand -
naturalscrub -
naturalwetland -
naturalwood -
naturalbeach -
naturalcoastline -
naturalwater -
naturalcliff -
powerlinePower lines with towers (pylons)-
powerlinePower line with poles.-
powercable(Solid line if above ground/water)-
railwayabandoned -
railwaydisusedAlso dismantled.-
railwayfunicular -
railwaylight_rail -
railwayminiature -
railwaynarrow_gauge -
railwaypreserved -
railwayrail -
railwaytram -
railwayplatform -
railwayconstruction -
routebusAlso trolleybus, coach and tour.-
routetrainAlso railway, tram, subway and light_rail-
routeferryAlso boat, cruise and canal-
routebicycleAlso mtb-
routehikingAlso foot-
routeroadAlso ring_road and roman_road-
waterwayriver -
waterwayriverbank -
waterwaystream -
waterwaydrain -
waterwaycanal -
waterwaydam -
waterwayweir -