Guide Page

How to fill out a genealogy page
for WebWonder or WhoDo.

This page is provided to act as a guide to entering an individual's data into a genealogical page. Below the ruled line is a set of tables similar to the ones in a genealogical master file. The anchors have been replaced by pictures of the anchor symbol.

The black text is what you can expect to find already on the master page.

The grey text is an explanation of what may be provided by you.

The maroon text is what will be automatically provided by WebWonder or WhoDo, which form links to other individuals' pages. This happens during import or rebuild.

The red text indicates a link to another individual that needs to be provided by you but may be created using the reciprocal link mechanism, described in the manual. If you have to provide it, you simply drag the filer icon for the individual into the field, having first placed the caret to the right of the anchor to receive it.

Dates should be of the form: 1 Jan 2009 or 01 January 2009. The day, or day and month may be omitted. The month should be 3 or more letters. Other words may appear in a date field, such as About, Estimated, Calculated, Before, After, Between - and -, and From - to -. Doing a rebuild will tidy up the dates.

HEADTitle to be displayed at the top of every page.

Surname:SURN Must be provided. Could be Unknown.Sex:SEX Male or Female
Forenames:FORE Must be provided. Could be Unknown.Address: (or Residence:)
Nickname:NICK or alternative name.

ADDR Main address of individual. See [1]below.

POA Main residence of individual. See [1] below.

DOA Date of residence.

Title:TITL Sir, Dr, etc.
Occupation:OCCU Principal employment.
Education:EDUC Principal place of education.
Born:DOB DateatPOB Place
Christened:DOC DateatPOC Place
Retired:DOR DateatPOR Place
Died:DOD DateatPOD Place
Buried/Cremated:DOF DateatPOF Place
NOTE Any text that you wish to add that does not belong in any other field may be entered here. It must all be in the same paragraph so use Shift-Return if you need to start a new line.PICT A picture may be entered here. Use the pop-up image feature to include it as it will provide a smaller image with a link to the bigger picture.


Father:FATH Link to father.
Mother:MOTH Link to mother.


MARR Link to spouse. Reverse links to spouse are normally created automatically by the reciprocal link mechanism. Up to 4 partners are catered for. It may be created manually. Use Shift-Return to keep them all in the same paragraph.
The link may be followed by ' on ' and the date and ' at ' and the place. Divorce or annulment data may also follow on the same line.


CHIL Link to child. Links to children are normally created automatically by the reciprocal link mechanism when the father or mother link is created. It may be created manually. Use Shift-Return to keep all links in the same paragraph. Up to 20 children may be included.


SIBL Provided automatically.


HSIB Provided automatically.


Uncles and Aunts:
UNCL Provided automatically.


Nephews and Nieces:
NEPH Provided automatically.


COUS Provided automatically.


GPAR Provided automatically.


GCHI Provided automatically.


GGPA Provided automatically.


GGCH Provided automatically.


Parents in Law:
PAIL Provided automatically.


Brothers and Sisters in Law:
BSIL Provided automatically.


Sons and Daughters in Law:
SDIL Provided automatically.


ASSO Link to associate. Up to 4 associates may be included. Use Shift-Return to keep all links in the same paragraph.


Link page:
LINK Link to web site. See note [2]


MAIL E-mail link. See note [2]

Link to index page automatically generated.


[1]  The two master files allow for either a single address field or a residence field with a possible date.

[2]  The Link page field and the E-mail field both contain a URL link and some text. Both may be either a web site address or an e-mail address or a link to a local page. Local page links give the possibility of adding an extra page for an individual where the link will not be lost during a rebuild. The headings for the fields may be altered in the master accordingly. A URL type file may be dragged in to load the field.

NB: It is important that you only put text into an individual's page that is next to one of the special anchors, otherwise it will be lost during a rebuild. During a rebuild, all the information next to a special anchor is read for each individual and loaded into memory, then the original file is overwritten by a new copy of the master and the data are rewritten and updated to include all the relationships. Dates are also tidied up at this time. Text included in a master will not be modified or lost during a rebuild.

(Just close this page when you have finished with it.)