
 Webbs Wonderful

 Lettuce - Webbs Wonderful

'Step' relations in WebWonder 

WebWonder version 6.00, along with the new !Relations and Relations.exe programs, can detect more relationships than was possible with version 5.00. 

Cousins share grandparents. Half-cousins share only one grandparent and are now detected.

All the relations supported by WebWonder up to now have been 'enduring' ones. With the introduction of version 6.00, the so-called 'step' relations are now detected as well. In this case a child's father's last wife would be the child's step-mother providing she has not divorced the the father or the marriage was annulled. (She could, however, be deceased.)

A sample zip file conatining all the files for the family tree of Mary Queen of Scots may be downloaded by clicking here . She was her second husband's half-cousin and James Hepburn was Jame I's step father.

The free Relations programs can be also be downloaded:

For Windows 

Try it out. Click here  to find out more about WebWonder and how to buy your copy on-line.